Halstead Jewelry Articles in Business

by Kristen Baird

How to Build Nonprofit Partnerships for Your Jewelry Business lock

Jeweler and business owner Kristen Baird walks you through how to partner your jewelry business with nonprofits. She gives advice, tips, and first-hand experience so you can make the partnership mutually beneficial.

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by Ayesha Mayadas

Jewelry Consignment:  Taken From Two Points of View

Metalsmith Ayesha Mayadas will give you a few pointers on how to consign your jewelry to retailers, both from a jeweler's perspective and from the shop owner side.

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by Kristen Baird

Building Your Jewelry Business Through Transitions lock

Kristen Baird, owner of Kristen Baird Jewelry, talks about building your jewelry business through major transitions. She gives helpful advice from her own experiences of taking her business from hobby to full time, hiring her first employee, building a family, and more, so that you can be successful on the other side.

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by Arianne Foulks

5 Ways to Get More High Quality Traffic to Your Jewelry Website lock

In the digital age of online shopping, one way to get ahead is by attracting high quality traffic to your jewelry website. Arianne Foulks, branding and web design expert for creative small businesses, outlines 5 ways to attract the traffic you want.

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by Andrea Li

Pinterest Holiday Marketing Guide lock

Andrea Li, Pinterest marketing extraordinaire, walks you through using the platform for your holiday marketing. With a step-by-step guide and posting timeline, she shows you how to get the most out of Pinterest for your jewelry business.

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by Lilian Raji

How to Prepare your Jewelry Brand for a PR Consultation lock

Lilian Raji follows up her PR for Jewelry post with information on how to prepare your brand for a PR consultation. She goes through the key elements you need to have in place before you’re ready.

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by Ashley Maldonado

Using SEO To Market Your Jewelry Business

Succeeding in today’s digital retail world means much more than simply having a website and social media presence. Once you’ve decided to put in the time and effort to have your own website, you want to make sure it will help promote your business. This is where the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes in!

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by Lilian Raji

PR for Jewelry: Are you Ready to Hire a PR Company?

Thinking about hiring a PR firm? Lilian Raji, founder of The Lilian Raji Agency, a luxury goods public relations and marketing company, discusses how to know if your jewelry business is ready. She talks about what a PR company can do for your brand and shares real world stories.

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by Ashley Maldonado

How To Start A Jewelry Business

Making your jewelry is the fun part of owning your own jewelry business. But the reality of owning a jewelry business is that you have to run the business-side of things. Read on for our top 5 tips on how to run a jewelry business.

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by Lisa Lehmann

Family First: Featuring Your Family in Jewelry Marketing lock

Lisa Lehmann, jewelry designer and mother, talks us through using your family in marketing. She discusses why it can be tricky, as well as gives helpful tips and questions to ask yourself that will help you decide what to post.

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by Andrea Li

Marketing your Jewelry on Pinterest

Join Andrea Li, jeweler and Pinterest guru, to learn about marketing your jewelry on Pinterest. She discusses why Pinterest is a unique platform and the new features that will benefit your jewelry business.

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by Ashley Maldonado

Influencer Jewelry Marketing

Using influencer marketing for your jewelry business is a valuable tactic that has grown and evolved over the last few years. Read on to learn some of the ins and outs of this marketing tool.

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by Ashley Maldonado

Creating Content for Jewelry Businesses

When you're selling your jewelry online or creating a community around your brand, you need to give your customers something to look at, watch, and read. This is where a solid content marketing strategy comes in handy for your business. Read on for tips to create jewelry marketing content.

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by Ashley Maldonado

Jewelry Marketing Tips: Understanding Your Customers

Targeting your customers properly is the foundation of successful marketing campaigns. Read on for tips to make sure you understand your customers and make the most out of your marketing strategy.

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by Ashley Maldonado

How to Transition your Jewelry Making Hobby into a Business

Making jewelry is a great creative outlet and is a popular hobby. For one reason or another, you may decide to take the plunge and turn it into a business. Check out these tips for transitioning your jewelry hobby into a successful business.

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by Kristen Baird

Tips to Start Offering Custom Jewelry lock

Thinking of offering custom work but don't know where to start? Check out these tips from Kristen Baird on how to approach custom work to make sure you and your clients both have a great experience.

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by Ashley Maldonado

Which Website eCommerce Platform is Right for Your Jewelry Business?

There are a lot of options for selling your jewelry online. Read on to learn the benefits of having your own website and which e-commerce platforms are popular. Make sure to find the best website building platform for your jewelry business.

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by Ashley Maldonado

The Importance of Creating your Jewelry Brand

You hear about jewelry branding all the time when you start marketing your small business, but what exactly is it and why is it so important? Learn more about this important jewelry marketing strategy.

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